Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More Flowers, Yess Yess ^-^

Flowers for some reason are always the best subjects to study with. I love the challenges you get when taking pictures of flowers. Just like human portraits, you're challenged with a moving subject, something that you need to creatively find a perfect angle to make the picture "out of the ordinary" and to study if there might be too much of them or too little. The great thing about flowers though is the fact that they're always beautiful and that they portray soo much into a picture.

Some flowers may make you wonder or bring out your imagination, such as the one above. At first look I thought straight away, "jellyfish".

A great photo to explain what I meant about angling. This side of the cove had a lot of these purple flowers called the Beach Morning Glories. This specific batch was growing on a steep slope, so steep that if I leaned any closer, I'd fall in the water lol. If you angled your camera in a certain way, ex. above this particular pair,
in front or behind, you wouldn't get such a great result and with an auto focus option on a point-and-shoot camera, it's pretty tricky to capture that clear shot. So with a bit of stretching and imagination and with a lil luck, you'll get that perfect shot.

Another thing about flowers are their bright colors and dramatic personalities. I believe this is a particular type of species in the Orchids family. This was really interesting for me to find though, cause they grew out of a pot. their dark brown spots in the center makes me think of a leopard, don't you think so?

A great example of imagination. This flower as many are familiar to, does not grow alone or in a patch of grass. I found one of the flowers I had used on a previous shoot, where we placed these on top of my car and took pictures of it while being surrounded by dew drops. It was still in perfect condition, then I saw a nice patch of grass in front of my car where the morning sun was casting a spotlight. The result is a pretty awesome looking composition =].

And see, even when flowers are at their dying phase, they give out a beautiful atmosphere of emotion.

I hope you guys enjoyed the collection =]
More to come!

Creative Commons License
Flowers by Myrene Nikko Evangelista is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at myreikko.deviantart.com/ .


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