The Biggest Wedding I've Ever Covered

It was sure an amazing experience.


Bringing back the legendary "Monkey" I was known for in 07. All grown up and ready to make a reaction.

Myreikko Creative Mentality: Fall Promo

My first promotion to start of the re-opening. Myreikko Creative Mentality is back in business and ready as ever!


Thought I give my blog a major upgrade and head for the professional side of the bizzness. Hope the change is all good with all yah'll. THANKS SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING!

Halloween Photo Card Designs

It's better late then never, so here are some treats that sure won't trick for this Halloween season.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Should Seriously Start Posting About My Works

So I just noticed how much I been blogging about other things and less about my own work LOL. Well today will be the day I'll start photo blogging. I got so much works posted on my FB page that hasn't been ever promoted on here, which is pretty sad knowing that I stated that I'd write about my current projects =p.

So to start off with the most current, which are the Flowers series. I loved taking pics of flowers, back then I used flowers to practice my painting skills since they where the best subjects. Colors, lights and shapes, they had it all making them the best candidates to practice my paintings with.

I always loved micro photography too, especially those that consisted of flowers. So here are a few of my recent pieces. Since a lot of the flowers at my place haven't bloom yet, I only have a few to post up but sooner or later I'll have a bunch more =D.

Click on the images above to be directed straight to my Facebook Page to see more of my artistic work. =D

Thanks For Lookin ^-^
Enjoy the candy =p

Creative Commons License
Flowers by Myrene Nikko Evangelista is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at .

Friday, August 20, 2010

So Far My Fave Automotive and Wedding Photographer in 1

I found Costas Stergiou's from his guest blog on Speed Hunters.
He started off as an automotive photographer, one who worked his way up from taking pics of his rides first, then friends then eventually bigger clients. He got into wedding and engagement photography when all the hype with his auto work sizzled down. Though I must say, even though he moved from one genre to another, his style is incredible and works very well for both. Subtle touches gives elegance to his images and I love how the colors shows what mood the image is portraying.

Be sure to click on the images to be directed to 
more of his work, especially the wedding ones. 
They are absolutely gorgeous. XD

Been A Looong Minute, So Here's Some Inspiration To Make it Up =p

If I was to choose one artist that I would look up to for digital arts and abstract styles, Joe Moore is that guy. He goes by soad2k in his Deviantart account reaching viewing hits of over 160 thousand views. What captivates me especially about his work are the colors and abstract shapes he creates. They become almost like places, full of adventures or beings that tickles your curiosity. Enjoy my favorites of his amazing works and make sure yah'll visit his page for more and show some love and support ^-^

 Pure Candy I Tell Yah!
=p -Nix

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