August 06, 2011 - Nathan and Ina's Wedding
About a month ago, I had the opportunity to cover the biggest wedding I've ever experienced. Out of all the weddings I was hired or side shot for, this by far was the greatest. About a guest list of close to 400 people, I honestly admit that I started to think I agreed to do something more than I could ever handle.
In the beginning, I was already feeling the stress. I was having a hard time finding an assistant photographer. Everyone was busy or out of island that I knew could help me out, some just got scared of how many people were going to be there.
In the end, I was so blessed to find that an upcoming photographer and good friend of mine was willing to take on the huge task with me.
She did such a great job and made the whole experience enjoyable. Though it was the first time we ever worked with each other, I was so impress with how well we got along.
You guys should definitely check her out; Krisha Conception Photography.
She's such an inspirational young photographer with such superb skills in Fashion Photography. I can see her in the future, making a big name for herself, seeing her work in editorials, billboards and magazine stands. XD, I'm so excited to see her grow hehehe.
Bridal Prep:
I always love this part of the day. It's at the time where everything starts to kick in with everyone involved. The time when the bride starts to feel a roller coaster of emotions. Excitement, nervousness, stress, anxiety, they get so worried and happy all at the same time. Though they successfully give off such a calm vibe, relaxing all
those jumpy nerves till the actual hour that she reaches the alter.
The Ceremony:
The actual moment, the best part of the day. The time when both husband and wife to be, finally see's each other and unite in front of the alter to become as one. During this time, the church was filled with love. So much support from everyone who came. Family and friends filled the room all to witness such a blessing for two special people they all care for.
At the end of the day, with aching joints and a memory card filled with hundreds of photos, I've got to experience once again how wonderful true love is.
Every ceremony is different and special in their own ways, but in the end all but one thing is celebrated...
Nathan & Ina's Wedding by Myrene Nikko Evangelista is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
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