This post should date back since last year LOL, but as you already notice, I haven't completely gotten the chance to be completely dedicated to blogging about my shoots since I usually schedule more than one on the same day.
December 11.2010
I'm sure it's pretty obvious how much I love cars and automotive photography by the past posts I've done about them. I'm totally hoping that by the time I move to Georgia, I can focus on this field of photography more often. There's just something about cars that gets me all excited, every time I see some sick looking ride, I get all giggly XD.
Anyways, the photos below were all taken on the same day. This was also the 2nd and 3rd automotive shoots I've taken with my DSLR. I'm completely new to automotive photography, but I'm super happy with the results and the compliments I've been getting about them.
The second half of the day was a duo shoot with my close friend Marv's and his car club's leader Chris's EK9s.
These two also own the only few Civic Hatches on island that deserve respect and it was awesome to shoot 'em as well.
Drive Safely :)
A Day With EK9s by Myrene Nikko Evangelista is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.